![]() There are a few memes how if a writer was to be arrested and computer confiscated by the police, our search history might not be in our favour. Got to say, my search history wouldn't help me out at all. Weapons, poisonous plants and how to sneak them into food or drinks, overdosage symptoms, what drug could put someone into a coma, sabotaging parts of vehicles, etc. See what I mean? But I swear it's all for research, Officer! On an innocent search to create my birthday invitations, I came across this ad on the last page in the October 27th, 1923, issue of The Quebec Chronicle to relieve asthma. How could I not investigate? Got to say, I wasn't left disappointed when I looked into Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Made by the Northrop & Lyman Co. Ltd. Toronto, Canada, it gave instructions to pour a half to full teaspoon onto a plate or piece of metal, light it and place an inverted funnel over top so you could inhale the smoke. They suggest using it before bed as it "impregnates the air with soothing effect, thus a allowing restful sleep." ![]() Restful sleep? You'd be so lucky if you were to only get restful sleep after using this. There are two ingredients, and the side-effects are anything, but a cure for asthma. 31% Stramonium is toxic and can cause dry mouth and extreme thirst, vision problems, nausea and vomiting, fast heart rate, hallucinations. If it comes in contact with your eyes, either by hand contact or by aerosolization, can cause blurred vision and can precipitate glaucoma. The other ingredient, which is also very toxic, is 7% Lobella which has side effects of profuse sweating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, tremors, rapid heartbeat, mental confusion, convulsions, hypothermia, coma, and death. I suppose it's hard to be disappointed or make a complaint if you're in a coma, delirious, blind, or six feet under, right?
What vintage ad have you seen that made you do a double take or do some research?
*Edit* - The editor has shared that they won't publish my entire letter in the next issue as it's too long, but will make a correction.
I was truly fortunate and honoured to be asked for a review of my two novels, Hold On & Let Go, from The Townships Sun earlier this summer. Unfortunately, when I received my copy in the mail and read it, there were not only errors, but a part that deeply hurt. I wanted to share with my readers and supporters the article and the letter I've sent to the editor to have posted in the next issue. Please note that both, the editor, and interviewer/book reviewer, have apologized when I contacted them about the issues, and they've promised to publish my letter. If you or someone you know had read this before I was able to get my letter to the editor out, I want to apologize if the words shared hurt you. Please know that these misinterpretations weren't provided to me for review before being published. Guess this is one of those "don't always believe what you read" moments that I will need to work through and share with others. |